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Meet Dr. Aileen Marie , whose journey has not only led her to connect with her Truth by learning from her own personal life experiences but she is now able to offer her magic to many souls around the globe. With the combination of her intuition, quantum coaching skills and energy work, she guides her clients on their own personal self-healing journey.  By resolving deep-rooted emotional blocks and rewiring and learning to regulate the nervous system, clients gain a deeper connection to Self and begin to experience inner peace and a deep joy & zest for life! This is the art of alchemy!


On her time off, she has a passion for reading, dancing, fashion, cooking, exercising, traveling and connecting with souls from all parts of the world. Her best moments are spent with her daughter and puppy having fun, quality time together at the beach. She is now exploring her writing and speaking skills to expand her reach sharing her knowledge, truth and mission to help people manage inner conflict by attaining emotional intelligence so they may live a life of peace, love and joy!

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Complimentary Clarity Call today! 

My Story

"I am divinely guided to help souls own their MAGIC by connecting to their Higher Self!"​


My journey as a Holistic Pharmacist and Energy Alchemist has led me to become adamant about healing from the inside out. The vast knowledge I have attained on both ends of the healing spectrum, where East meets Western medicine, has guided me to my life's mission to help people resolve energetic blocks so they can begin to fully experience the joy of life.  


Our bodies are our innate pharmacy and all the answers we seek are within. Western society has led us to seek answers to many of our health concerns externally through the use of prescription & OTC medications without targeting the root cause. Fortunately, whether aware of it or not, we are ALL experiencing a great awakening of our soul. The Age of Aquarius is bringing forth a shift in consciousness where many souls are awakening to alternative methods for healing with great success. This is why I am passionate about healing with Soul, Mind & Body Medicine, because by healing the soul first, the mind and body follow.


Spiritual Awakenings happen when one begins to take full responsibility for their life and embarks on a personal transformation journey. Life happens FOR YOU not to you. Life's challenges and the relationships we cultivate are part of our destiny. They appear in our lives to help us uncover our Truth. Taking responsibility means one is ready to "rock the boat" and "let go" of the habitual habits (aka robot mode) keeping them stuck in the same predictable cycles. It's a deep dive into the 'UNKNOWN'. One must enter the darkness to uncover the light. Courage, trust and most of all, a deep connection to the heart leads the way.


If you feel stuck in your relationships, health and/or career, these are signs your true soul essence is out of alignment and is ready to claim its highest potential to experience flow, increased vitality, inner peace, creativity and connection to Higher Self.


As a Bioenergetic Practitioner, one of the innovative tools I utilize in my practice, the RebaPad™, combines the healing philosophies from the East along with the modern technology of the West to quantitatively measure auric energy, detect energetic blocks, nervous system & organ imbalances and select specific individualized homeopathic remedies to bring back flow to your energetic body. The RebaPad™ (FDA-approved) not only measures energetic frequencies but also naturally brings relief via PEMF (Pulse Electro Magnetic Frequency) to:  sleeplessness, anxiousness, feelings of stress, painful aches, lack of concentration and low physical & mental energy.


In addition to resolving energetic blocks, I also have a deep passion for bringing balance back to our feminine and masculine energy.  In a society predominantly governed by masculine energy, DOing more and more each day, the consequences have resulted in a society plagued by stress, burnout, obesity, anxiousness, pain in the body and many conditions the medical doctor may not know why.


Dis-ease manifests from an imbalance in our bodies energy system. By bringing more feminine energy, the connection of BEing, back into our bodies, we learn that by applying certain practices such as meditation, journaling, time out in nature, yoga, breathwork and crystal healing, to name a few, back into our everyday lives, we can once again begin to heal from within and experience a JOY for life.


My goal is to facilitate the healing process and lead you to achieve your highest potential! YOU are your own healer. 


Book a 30 minute Complimentary Clarity Call to discuss your life passions, where you feel stuck & how I may guide and facilitate the process as you transform into your highest Self!

Claim your Highest Potential Today!
*Sessions are either online via Zoom or locally in-office.

My Credentials

  • Doctor of Pharmacy, Pharm D - 2001


  • PsychoSomatic Energetics (PSE) Practitioner, Certification - 2008


  • Certified Emotion Code Practitioner - 2020


  • Quantum Manifestation Coach, Certification - 2021


The heart is the eye of the soul. 

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